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From Hololive Fan Wiki
"KonAZKi AZKi desu!"
English NameAZKi
Debut DateNovember 15, 2018
Member ofhololive Generation 0,
INNK Music (formerly)
Fan NamePioneer, or Kaitakusha (開拓者)
Emoji /
Oshi Mark
Official Media
YouTubeAZKi Channel Official Artist Channel
Websitehololivepro.com (EN)
hololivepro.com (JP)
hololive.tv (EN)
hololive.tv (JP)
Composition inc.
Victor Entertainment
PixivAZKi (pixivFANBOX)
BirthdayJuly 1
Age18 years old
Height158cm (5ft2in)[9]
With heels:
170cm (5ft7in) (1st model)[10]
168cm (5ft6in) (1st & 4th models)[11][12]
165cm (5ft4in) (2nd model)[11]
163cm (5ft3in) (3rd model)[11]

First Video
Official Bio
Streaming Info
Other Media
External links
Additional Contents:
3 Code Miracle

First Video[edit]

Official Bio[edit]

A diva who became reborn into the virtual world in order to fabricate a new world. No matter the time, place, or position, she warps through all the barricades with her dazzling talent.


AZKi is a virtual singer and the only member of INoNaKa Music. She debuted on Youtube with her song cover of Just be Friends on November 15th, 2018.[13] As a singer, AZKi has held several live concerts, and was a participating member of Nonstop Story. She has more than a dozen singles, has released her own album titled 『without U』 and appears on a number of collaboration albums such as Tokino Sora's mini-album 『My Loving』.

AZKi regularly holds karaoke streams on her channel. She also hosts a radio series titled 「AZKi's World Pioneering Radio」, or AzuRadio for short, where she invites a guest on and speaks to them. Notable guests include fellow hololive members Tokino Sora[14] and Hoshimachi Suisei[15] as well as independent VTuber Tenjin Kotone.[16]


AZKi is a stubborn yet kindhearted girl. Though she can be silly and tease, she's generally well-mannered and well-liked. Her hobbies include cooking (which she uses the dedicated #今日のあずきごはん tag for), watching movies, music, and singing. She uses the ⚒️ emoji for herself, and fans reference it in live concerts by forming a two-handed X above their heads.



  • Nov. 14 Twitter account creation date.
  • Nov. 15 YouTube channel was creation date. She debuted with a cover of Just be Friends.[17]
  • Dec. 24 Achieved a 10,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[18]


  • Jan. 01 Achieved a 20,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[19]
  • Feb. 14 Announced she would be represented by upd8.[20]
  • Apr. 29 Achieved a 50,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[21]
  • May 19 Held first live concert at Akihabara ENTAS, titled "The Shitest Start"[22]. She announced that she was joining Innonaka Music alongside Hoshimachi Suisei.[23]
  • May 26 Received a new outfit.[24]
  • July 27 Took part in the live event "INNK EXHiBiTiOn"[25]. Held second live concert at Akihabara ENTAS, titled "A GOODDAY TO DiE".[26]
  • Sep. 21 Took part in the concert "LAST V STANDiNG vol.1"[27] alongside Shishigami Leona. Began a two-day release event for her album, "without U" on the same day.[28]
  • Sep. 22 Held third live concert at Akihabara ENTAS, titled "レペゼンエンタス" (Repezan ENTAS).[29]
  • Dec. 05 Achieved a 70,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[30]
  • Dec. 28 Opened official Pixiv Fanbox. [31]
  • Dec. 29 Held fourth live concert at Ikebukuro Harevutai. [32]


  • Jan. 24 Took part in Hololive's first festival: "Nonstop Story" and debuted her 3D idol outfit.[33] AZKi sang without U as a solo, and performed Dream☆Story and Kirameki Rider with groups.[34]
  • Mar. 18 Achieved a 100,000 YouTube subscriber milestone[35]
  • Mar. 22 Took part in "LAST V STANDiNG vol.2".[36]
  • May 16 Was to hold her fifth live concert, "three for the hood". However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the concert was canceled.[37]
  • July 04 Held a live concert on Youtube culminating in the announcement of her 5th live's rescheduling: "R.I.P AZHOOD" would now be held on NicoNicoDouga on July 25th.[38]
  • July 17 Achieved a 150,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[39]
  • Sep. 23 Achieved a 200,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[40]
  • Sep. 26 Held special live concert with Tokino Sora "刹那的クロニクル".
  • Dec. 03 Achieved a 250,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[41]


  • Jan. 25 Achieved a 300,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[42]
  • Feb. 23 Received third 3D model.[43]
  • Apr. 13 Achieved a 400,000 YouTube subscriber milestone during her 7th live concert "Stand at the crossroads".[44][45]
  • Aug. 13 Achieved a 500,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[46]


  • Apr. 01 Transferred to Hololive after INoNaKa Music ends activities. [47]
  • Apr. 05 Achieved a 600,000 YouTube subscriber milestone. [48]
  • Nov. 15 Received fourth 3D model. [49]
  • Dec. 25 Achieved a 700,000 YouTube subscriber milestone [50]
  • Dec. 31 Revealed updated 3D idol outfit. [51]


  • May 22 Achieved a 800,000 YouTube subscriber milestone. [52]
  • Jul. 01 Announced major debut single with Victor Entertainment. [53]
  • Nov. 15 Received fifth 3D model. [54]
  • Dec. 8 Achieved a 900,000 YouTube subscriber milestone during an endurance karaoke stream. [55][56]

Streaming Information[edit]

Streamer Side
Scene Lines Romaji Meaning / Notes
Greetings こんあずきー KonAZKi~ A portmanteau of "Konnichiwa/Konbanwa", being greetings, and her name "AZKi".
Introduction 右手にマイク、左手に地図、あなたのハートをゼロゲッサー! Migite ni maiku, hidarite ni chizu, anata no hāto o ZeroGessā! Mic in my right hand, map in my left hand, I'll ZeroGuessr your heart!
Farewell おつあずきー OtsuAZKi~ A portmanteau of "Otsukaresama", being a farewell, and her name "AZKi".
Viewer Side
Scene Lines Romaji Meaning / Notes
Waiting 待機 Taiki Taiki means "Waiting"
Greetings こんあずきー KonAZKi~ See Streamer Side's Greetings Note
Farewell おつあずきー OtsuAZKi~ See Streamer Side's Farewell Note
YouTube Membership Perks
Badges and Emoji Perk Levels
開拓者組合 (Pioneer Union)
  • ⚒ Members-only live stream ⚒
    Live streams released irregularly
  • ⚒ Members-only images ⚒
    Images released once a month
  • ⚒ AZKi Pioneer Diary ⚒
    Diary released twice a month

3 Code Miracle[edit]

Shotgun Rose's logo.

AZKi co-hosts a weekly radio program on JOQR A&G+ titled Subaru, AZKi, and Mizushi's 3 Code Miracle [すばるあずきみずしーの3コードミラクル] (3Comi for short)[57]. AZKi's co-hosts are Suzuna Subaru and Mizushina Aoi, and together the three of them form the unit "Shotgun Rose" with the plan to release 3 new songs as a unit[58].

During episode 12 of the broadcast, Suzuna Subaru tweeted out a logo for Shotgun Rose[59], highlighting each member's main color. 3Comi airs at 13:30 JST on Sundays, and can be listened to either through YouTube with episodes being uploaded 1 week after airing, or can be listened to live through the guides here.


  • AZKi's original design is inspired by the Ghost in the Shell series.[60]
  • Has a singing duo with Tokino Sora called "SorAZ".
  • AZKi was originally supposed to graduate at the conclusion of the AZKi Project in July 2022. However, due to AZKi's desire to fulfill more dreams and continue to perform for her fans, it was decided to move from this route α (alpha) to a route β (beta) and have AZKi remain active past this date.[61][62]
  • Through her third model, shares the same Concept Illustrator with the following VTubers:
  • During an appearance on Holotalk, a talk show hosted by Takanashi Kiara, when asked to choose her preference between two things, she answered [63]:
    • Hot Weather over Cold Weather
    • Rice over Noodles
    • Saizeriya over Gusto
    • Apple Juice over Orange Juice
    • Twitter over Instagram
    • To climb a mountain over running a marathon
    • PC over Gaming console
    • Yes Pineapple on Pizza
    • Spicy food over Sweet food
    • Tea over Coffe
    • Beach vacation over Visiting a city
    • Sleeping with clothes over Sleeping naked
    • Texting over Phone Calls
    • Giving presents over Receiving presents
    • Taking the train over Walking 1 station
    • 7/11 over FamiliMart or Lawson
    • Christmas is her Favourite Holiday
  • Is one of the Hololive Production VTubers with an Official Artist Channel. Other members with an Official Artist channel can be found here.

No speculations and rumors, just fun facts!


Image Gallery[edit]



The following are original songs by AZKi.

ナナワリエネミー / AZKi

のんびりと、/ AZKi

Kiss me! Choose me!

Leaf ticket (Cover)

Cream+Mint (Cover)

ガラス姫と鏡の従者 (Cover)

恋の宅配便 / 瀬名航 feat. AZKi

Scale the walls


AZKi's original songs are divided into three categories representing three different genres of music:

  • AZKi WHiTE  : Songs with a pop feeling. (Pop Style)
  • AZKi BLaCK  : Songs with agressive and fast feelings. (Rock Style)
  • AZKi ReD  : Songs with dazzling dance blue feeling. (Club/Dance Style)
1st Single『Creating world
Release Date December 28, 2018
Track List
  1. Creating world (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 流歌)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
2nd Single『リアルメランコリー』
Release Date January 30, 2019
Track List
  1. リアルメランコリー (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 瀬名航)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
3rd Single『フェリシア』
Release Date February 25, 2019
Track List
  1. フェリシア (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: なつめ千秋)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
4th Single『I can't control myself』
Release Date February 28, 2019
Track List
  1. I can’t control myself (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 井口イチロウ (SCRAMBLES))
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
5th Single『ひかりのまち』
Release Date March 25, 2019
Track List
  1. ひかりのまち (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 豊住サトシ (SCRAMBLES))
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
6th Single『Starry Regrets』
Release Date March 28, 2019
Track List
  1. Starry Regrets (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: ハム)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
7th Single『Fake.Fake.Fake』
Release Date April 30, 2019
Track List
  1. Fake.Fake.Fake (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 田仲圭太 (SCRAMBLES))
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
8th Single『いのち』
Release Date April 30, 2019
Track List
  1. いのち (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 瀬名航)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
会場限定シングル『Creating World jun kuroda Remix』
Release Date May 21, 2019
Track List
  1. Creating world (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 流歌 / Remix: jun kuroda)
External links
Discography • YouTube
9th Single『シットデイズ』
Release Date May 31, 2019
Track List
  1. シットデイズ (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 豊住サトシ (SCRAMBLES))
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
10th Single『さよならヒーロー』
Release Date June 30, 2019
Track List
  1. さよならヒーロー (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 豊住サトシ (SCRAMBLES))
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
11th Single『from A to Z』
Release Date July 1, 2019
Track List
  1. from A to Z (Lyrics: AZKi / Composition/Arrangement: 流歌)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
会場限定シングル『いのち Acoustic ver.』
Release Date July 27, 2019
Track List
  1. いのち (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 瀬名航 / Acoustic: アシノ)
External links
12th Single『ERROR』
Release Date July 31, 2019
Track List
  1. ERROR (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 佐藤カズキ (SCRAMBLES))
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Official Notes • Music Video
for 1st Pioneer
Release Date December 29, 2019
Track List
  1. 光 (Lyrics: 池真衣 / Composition/Arrangement: アシノ)
  2. Eternity Bright (Lyrics: SHiKi / Composition/Arrangement: HAMA)
  3. ぼっちぼろまる (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: ぼっちぼろまる)
External links
Release Date March 15, 2020
Track List
  1. mirror (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: さめのぽき)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • YouTube • Else & Poki ver.
Release Date March 20, 2020
Track List
  1. 黒鉄の守り人 (Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: 山本こーすけ / Piano: 佐藤翔野)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video • Jinki Resurrection Site
Eternity Bright
Release Date March 31, 2020
Track List
  1. Eternity Bright(作詞 : SHiKi / 作曲・編曲 : HAMA)
  2. Eternity Bright(LADY’S ONLY Remix)
  3. Eternity Bright (Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
Release Date April 15, 2020
Track List
  1. 光(作詞 : 池真衣 / 作曲・編曲 : アシノ)
  2. 光(TEMPLIME Remix)
  3. 光 (Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
Release Date April 30, 2020
Track List
  1. 猫ならばいける(作詞・作曲・編曲 : ぼっちぼろまる)
  2. 猫ならばいける((栄免建設株式会社Renovation)
  3. 猫ならばいける(Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
Release Date May 31, 2020
Track List
  1. Intersection(作詞・作曲・編曲 : lapix)
  2. Intersection(TOMOYU funkot remix)
  3. Intersection(Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
Take me to Heaven
Release Date June 20, 2020
Track List
  1. Take me to Heaven(作詞:七条レタス/作曲・編曲 : D.watt)
  2. Take me to Heaven (ハレトキドキ Remix)
  3. Take me to Heaven(Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
Release Date July 10, 2020
Track List
  1. 青い夢
  2. 青い夢 (feat. BOOGEY VOXX)
  3. 青い夢 (Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
Saikyo × Saijyaku girl
Release Date September 25, 2021
Track List
  1. Saikyo × Saijyaku girl
  2. Saikyo × Saijyaku girl (Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
nanawari enemy
Release Date November 10, 2021
Track List
  1. nanawari enemy
  2. nanawari enemy (Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
Release Date December 12, 2021
Track List
  1. 画面の中の君が好き
  2. 画面の中の君が好き (Instrumental)
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video
Over Light
Release Date December 29, 2021
Track List
  1. Over Light
  2. Existlog
  3. Over Light (Instrumental)
  4. Existlog (Instrumental)
External links
Digital Release • YouTube
Extended plays
Release Date November 15, 2022
Track List
  1. afterglow
  2. petrichor
  3. canopus
  4. equal
  5. Creating world (bonus track/Acoustic ver.)
External links
Collab Singles
紅藍クロニクル (kurenai kuronikuru)
Release Date September 22, 2020
Track List
  1. 紅藍クロニクル / SorAZ ver.
  2. 紅藍クロニクル / Tokino Sora ver.
  3. 紅藍クロニクル / AZKi ver.
  4. 紅藍クロニクル (instrumental)
External links
Digital Release • Music Video
Scale the walls
Release Date August 16, 2023
Track List
  1. "Scale the walls"
External links
Digital Release • Music Video
Studio Albums
List of albums, with selected chart positions
Title Album details Peak positions
without U (Album)
Release Date November 12, 2019
Track List
External links
Official Site • Discography (Type-AType-B) • Amazon (Type-AType-B)
  • Formats: CD, download
Re:Creating world
Release Date December 1, 2020
Track List
External links
Official SiteDiscography
  • Formats: CD, download
Futurity Step as SorAZ
Release Date December 20, 2023
Track List
  1. "Kimi to Boku wa Albireo Hikareau Suisei te Iru" (君と僕はアルビレオ 惹かれ合う彗星テイル)
  2. "Telepathy" (テレパシー)
  3. "Sēno de!" (せーので!)
  4. "First Step" (ハジメノイッポ)
  5. "Love Cosmology" (恋愛コスモロジー)
  6. "Madowasu Hoshi" (惑わす星)
  7. "Ikenainda" (いけないんだ)
  8. "Futari Destiny" (ふたりDestiny)
  9. "MAG-NET"
  10. "Scale the walls"
External links
Digital Release • Music Video • Official Website
  • Label: JVCKenwood Victor Entertainment
  • Formats: CD, download
Collab Albums
Release Date May 22, 2019
Track List
  1. トワイライト・ハート / いるはーと
  2. ハートビート / AZKi(作詞・作曲・編曲 : KAN TAKAHIKO)
  3. Vanta feat. ワニのヤカ / Batsu
  4. 夏を待ちわびて feat. somunia / The LASTTRAK
  5. Sprint Sky / エルセとさめのぽき
  6. 天使であれたら / 白百合リリィ
  7. You & Me / 眠河ゆめな
  8. この場所から / 天羽よつは
  9. Vanta feat. ワニのヤカ (YACA IN DA HOUSE Remix) / Batsu
  10. 夏を待ちわびて feat. Somunia (The LASTTRAK Remix) / The LASTTRAK
  11. Sprint Sky (さめのぽき Remix) / エルセとさめのぽき
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video • Official WebsiteUSAGI Production Shop
VirtuaREAL.00 -Reverse-
Release Date October 26, 2019
Track List
  1. トワイライト・ハート (ミカヅキBIGWAVE Remix) / いるはーと
  2. ハートビート (tamu Remix) / AZKi(作詞作曲編曲 : KAN TAKAHIKO)
  3. Vanta feat. ワニのヤカ (kissmenerdygirl Remix) / Batsu
  4. 夏を待ちわびて feat. somunia (Avec Avec Remix) / The LASTTRAK
  5. Sprint Sky (Batsu Remix) / エルセとさめのぽき
  6. 天使であれたら (D.watt Remix) / 白百合リリィ
  7. You & Me (AkkeY Remix) / 眠河ゆめな
  8. この場所から (The Herb Shop Remix) / 天羽よつは
External links
Discography • Music Video • Official WebsiteUSAGI Production Shop
Release Date November 2, 2019
Track List
  1. ピンキーポップヘップバーン「ここにいるぜぇ!」
  2. 花鋏キョウ 「雪の華」
  3. 獅子神レオナ 「There will be love there-愛のある場所-」
  4. AZKi 「fragile」
  5. 御伽原江良 「♡桃色片想い♡」
  6. 童田明治 「ハナミズキ」
  7. エルセとさめのぽき 「Rolling star」
  8. 戌亥とこ 「気まぐれロマンティック」
  9. AZKi&戌亥とこ 「こいのうた」
  10. エルセ&花鋏キョウ 「月のしずく」
  11. 御伽原江良&ピンキーポップヘップバーン 「夏祭り」
  12. 獅子神レオナ&童田明治 「小さな恋のうた」
External links
Digital Release • Music Video • RK Music
My Loving
Release Date March 4, 2020
Track List
  1. Equation of Love
  2. Wonderland
  3. サヨナラブロッサム
  4. 刹那ティックコード (Tokino Sora & AZKi)
  5. フレーフレーLOVE
  6. ゆっくり走れば風は吹く
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Music Video • Official Website
VirtuaREAL MIX.01 mixed by DJ TAMU
Release Date May 24, 2020
Track List
  1. Step up Super Star!! / 星乃めあ
  2. without U / AZKi
  3. トワイライト・ハート / いるはーと
  4. アイイロメビウス / 犬山たまき
  5. twinkle night feat. somunia / nyankobrq&yaca
  6. #しゅきしゅきぴっぴっぴ♡ / 夜乃ネオン
  7. DOGMA / シスター・クレア
  8. 拡散性マジョリティ feat. X’Flare / Limpid&あるか
  9. コンピューターミュージックガール / ミディ
  10. ぶいちゅっばの歌 / 周防パトラ
  11. Super Duper / 江戸レナ
  12. 品川シーサイド / あくまのゴート
  13. ラストダンスは求めないで / 花奏かのん
  14. JUST IN MY HEART / まりなす (仮)
  15. FANTASTIC / アメノセイ
  16. 夏空と残響 / 鷹森ツヅル
  17. 忍び忍ばずHigh Tension☆ / 朝ノ茜
  18. My name is elite☆ / Sakura Miko
  19. KEYS / ココツキ
  20. Adastra / カグラナナ
  21. スタートの合図 / 響木アオ
  22. P!NGPONG QUEST / ピンキーポップヘップバーン
  23. 天使であれたら / 白百合リリィ
  24. DISCOVERY / シクラりわ
  25. ルーティン / かしこまり
  26. White Hole / WHITEHOLE
  27. Someday Someday / 銀河アリス
  28. コトバカゼ / ときのそら
  29. 蒼に躊躇う / 花鋏キョウ
  30. 夏を待ちわびて feat. somunia / The LASTTRAK
  31. ハナサカステップ / ぼっちぼろまる
  32. 泡沫夢幻 / 朝ノ瑠璃
  33. MASAKARI / 朝ノ瑠璃&朝ノ茜
  34. ラビュリントス / 希来里パイ
  35. Just Loving You / 雨ヶ崎笑虹&結目ユイ
  36. DANCE is the answer / 紡音れい
  37. BLUE / エルセとさめのぽき
External links
Discography • Official WebsiteUSAGI Production Shop
まいてつ Last Run!! VTuber Cover Selection
Release Date October 30, 2020
Track List

Disc 1

  1. 明日へと」(ハチロクafterED) / AZKi
  2. 「GRAND EXPRESS」(グランドOP) / Sakura Miko
  3. 「はじめてのこい」(れいなED) / ヒヅキミウ
  4. 「思い出の結晶」(ハチロク劇中テーマ曲1) / ユキミお姉ちゃん
  5. 「ロオド・ラスト」(ハチロクafterOP) / 響ゆい
  6. 「リトルプリュム」(日々姫挿入歌) / 星乃めあ
  7. 「Forever With You」(ふかみ凪ED) / 朝ノ姉妹ぷろじぇくと
  8. 「blooming symphony」(日々姫afterOP) / 結目ユイ
  9. 「終わらないリズム」(仲国ED) / 舞鶴よかと
  10. 「hello! new world」(ハチロク劇中テーマ曲3) / 紡音れい
  11. 「おんなじ気持ち、ほんとの気持ち」(ふかみ凪OP) / 虹河ラキ

Disc 2

  1. 「ひだまりライン」(ポーレットafterED) / 餅月ひまり
  2. 「Shiny Sky Shiny Days」(ふかみED) / れいきら
  3. 「My Wish Forever」(凪ED) / 柚子花
  4. 「All right!!」(仲国OP) / おさナズ
  5. 「Indivisible Love」(稀咲ED) / 黒咲りん
  6. 「繋いでいく未来」(ニイロクED) / カグラナナ
  7. 「On the Rails」(ポーレットafterOP) / アメノセイ
  8. 「水彩」(真闇ED) / セフィラ・スゥ
  9. 「floraison」(日々姫afterED) / ちゃーちゃん
  10. 「The road we belong」(ハチロク劇中テーマ曲2) / サラダまよね
  11. 「レイルロマネスク」(ハチロクOP) / ユメノシオリ
External links
 • Official Website
Shotgun Rose EP
Release Date November 1, 2020
Track List
  1. Million stars for you
  2. Devil&Angel
  3. 世界は忘れていくだけだ
  4. Million stars for you -Instrumental-
  5. Devil&Angel -Instrumental-
  6. 世界は忘れていくだけだ -Instrumental-
External links
 • Music Video • A&G SHOP
poppin kiss
Release Date November 27, 2020
Track List
  1. Kiss me! Choose me!
  2. Sakuranbo Kissu ~bakuhatsu da mo n~ (cover)
  3. Leaf ticket (cover)
  4. as × sist ~amaebetana watashinarini~ (cover)
  5. Cream+Mint (cover)
  6. allegretto ~Sora to kimi~ (cover)
  7. Kiss me! Choose me!
  8. Kiss me! Choose me!
  9. Kiss me! Choose me!
External links
Discography • Digital Release • Ai Kiss 2 Shop (NSFW)
Give You My Love
Release Date December 22, 2021
Track List
  1. Give You My Love (feat. AZKi)
  2. Let Me Have a Bite (feat. AZKi)
  3. Eternal Love For You (feat. AZKi)
  4. Give You My Love (feat. AZKi) [Instrumental]
  5. Let Me Have a Bite (feat. AZKi) [Instrumental]
  6. Eternal Love For You (feat. AZKi) [Instrumental]
External links
Discography • Digital Release

Cover Songs[edit]

The following are a list of songs covered by AZKi.

Solo Covers

Collab Covers


  1. (Nov. 15, 2022). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1592493869572100101
  2. (Nov. !5, 2022). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1592656189002858497
  3. (Feb. 23, 2021). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1364177811066380290
  4. (Feb. 23, 2021). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1364175474423857158
  5. (Aug. 3, 2019). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1157446973076623362
  6. (May 26, 2019). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1132633166248681472
  7. (Dec. 27, 2019). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1210532004984324096
  8. 8.0 8.1 (Nov. 17, 2018). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1063763769816281088
  9. (Mar. 13, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASwqpZF-UA0&t=618s
  10. (May 24, 2019). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1131855548842856448
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 (Mar. 13, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASwqpZF-UA0&t=1466s
  12. https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents/azki/
  13. AZKi [AZKi Channel]. (Nov. 15, 2018). 【声を枯らして】Just Be Friends -piano.ver- 歌ってみた AZKi【叫んだ】[Video]. Youtube. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/SdgFVX0FsgE on June 9, 2020.
  14. AZKi [AZKi Channel]. (Feb. 27, 2019). 【#2 GUEST:ときのそら】AZKiの世界を開拓するラジオ 略して「アズラジ」 [Video]. Youtube. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/mQ5z4yu5HnM on June 9, 2020.
  15. AZKi [AZKi Channel]. (May 29, 2019). 【#8 GUEST:星街すいせい】AZKiの世界を開拓するラジオ 略して「アズラジ」 [Video]. Youtube. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/is0hTBJ86ek on June 9, 2020.
  16. AZKi [AZKi Channel]. (June 12, 2019). 【#9 GUEST:天神子兎音】AZKiの世界を開拓するラジオ 略して「アズラジ」 [Video]. Youtube. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/8WDhh-Xzmwc on June 9, 2020.
  17. Just be Friends -piano.ver- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdgFVX0FsgE&feature=youtu.be
  18. (Dec. 24, 2018). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1077141506278838272
  19. (Jan. 1, 2020). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1080081036929683456
  20. https://upd8.jp/news/1654.html
  21. (Apr. 29, 2019). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1123043516899151874
  22. https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000042.000030268.html
  23. https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000067.000030268.html
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6RF2RgcOUI
  25. https://www.moguravr.com/virtual-singer-azki-4/
  26. https://note.com/azkinote/n/n40b627d8f6e2
  27. https://vtub0.com/azki/27062
  28. https://note.com/azkinote/n/n51097261b185
  29. https://note.com/azkinote/n/n51097261b185
  30. (Dec. 5, 2019). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1202362553122222080
  31. AZKi's FANBOX https://azkifrontline.fanbox.cc/posts
  32. https://toppamedia.com/news-2019-9-azki-repeat-this-life-with-u-without-u-information/
  33. Official Nonstop Story site https://www.nonstop.hololive.tv/
  34. Official Tweet with setlist https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1221266508724097024
  35. (Mar. 18, 2020). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1240055054196867073
  36. AZKi's official news post http://web.archive.org/web/20200925155852/http://azki-official.com/424/
  37. AZKi's official news post http://web.archive.org/web/20200813050032/azki-official.com/452/
  38. AZKi's July 4th stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIU7AhRwCWQ&feature=youtu.be
  39. (July 17, 2020). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1284055134142558209
  40. (Sep. 24, 2020). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1308907748453572608
  41. (Dec. 3, 2020). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1334694162206220288
  42. Retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/l4klpx/azki_celebrates_300000_subscribers/
  43. (Feb. 23, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD1MAwlhUJk
  44. (Apr. 11, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/mopula/
  45. (Apr. 13, 2021). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1382109090726301696
  46. (Aug. 13, 2021). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1426320158570733575
  47. (Mar. 31, 2022) Retrieved from https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1509666854444359682?s=20&t=QUedUksJqDozcaYY6NPEIg
  48. (Apr. 05, 2022) Retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/twls29/azki_celebrates_600000_subscribers/
  49. (Nov. 15, 2022) Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrUT9pCLlcY
  50. (Dec. 25, 2022) Retrieved from https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1606935460169011202
  51. (Dec. 31, 2022) Retrieved from https://youtu.be/n-fzN8-i3Qc?t=3016
  52. (May 22, 2023) Retrieved from https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1660638596330819584
  53. (Jul. 1, 2023) Retrieved from https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1675098207964266496
  54. (Nov. 15, 2023) Retrieved from https://youtu.be/7TtlKURvLDI?t=1976
  55. (Dec. 8, 2023) Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqhEDAjvgU8
  56. (Dec. 8, 2023) Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1733166403782668720
  57. https://twitter.com/3_co_mi
  58. https://twitter.com/3_co_mi
  59. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1274563258934910976
  60. (Oct. 25, 2019). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1187600376809181184
  61. (Apr. 11, 2021) Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xptulIh3CEg&t=6820s
  62. (Apr. 13, 2021) Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQwfrbUGH78
  63. (July 31, 2021) Retrieved from https://youtu.be/CohBCNY9Pm4

External links[edit]

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