A squirrel girl from a magical forest.
She was lost in the human world, but due to certain circumstances, she ends up living in the home of a kind older sister.
To return the favor, she decides to become a Vtuber.
Risu acts, most of the time, just like a squirrel she is. She loves to do subtle pranks on people, shy with new people, and loves to tease her viewers. Her laugh is also one of her unique characteristics.
Ayunda Risu is a VTuber from Hololive Indonesia 1st Generation. She is cheerful and likes to play pranks on her friends. She came from a magical forest and met a "Big Sister" that takes care of her while she is in human world, and being VTuber is her way to payback her “Big Sister”.
Risu has a notably wide vocal-range, even for a singer. At the request of fans she's been able to portray a considerable range of identities through voice affectation, even convincing impersonations of other hololive members. Risu's fans frequently refer to these identities emulated through voice as "Risu DLC's", given that they are usually donation requests. Her current most used voices are: "Risu" (default), "Wisu" (childish), and "Ayunda" (deep voice). As shown in her collaboration with Yumeria Nirmala, she also able to perform an ikemen (handsome gentlemen) voice called "Wisnu".[15] According to Risu herself, her natural voice is slightly higher than the "Ayunda" voice, but still significantly lower than her default pitch.[16] She is able to speak 3 languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Japanese. She is learning Japanese with help from her friends and those around her.
Risu and her fellow members of Indonesia 1st Generation, Moona Hoshinova and Airani Iofifteen, lived together in a dormitory, though they each had individual rooms. As such, the three have a very close relationship, even sometimes being likened to a family by both themselves and their fans. Frequently, Iofi refers to herself as the father of the group. They collaborate as a trio on the 15th of every month, titled "Area 15". This arrangement allowed them to join in on each other's streams spontaneously, and streams that began as solo streams have at time become impromptu collaborations.
As superchats are not available in Indonesia, Risu has a streamlabs[17] set up alongside superchats for those who want to donate.
According to Risu's introduction stream, she claims that she is cheerful, clumsy, as well as a crybaby. She is shown to be determined, although she is bad with ghosts and horror games, she will still play them if her viewers request them, although she will scream and probably cry[18].
While kind, she is very strict on the conduct of the live chat--frequently muting or bonking viewers. On more than one occasion she has taken time out of the stream to lecture misbehaving viewers. She is very concerned with making sure all Risuners are treated equally and does not give preferential treatment in bonking.
Non-stop Nut November, also known as NNN, is a miniseries published by Risu. The series focuses on the importance of nuts, acting as a parody of the popular No Nut November challenge.
Risu has the following streaming rules in her streams' descriptions:
【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming sedang berlangsung:
Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan
Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topik pada kolom komentar
Dimohon tidak melakukan spam emoji/emoticon
Dimohon untuk tidak mengumpat, mencela, atau berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar
Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di waiting room
Dimohon untuk tidak memberi komentar tentang Vtuber lain di waiting room / saat livestream apabila tidak dimulai lebih dulu oleh Vtuber yang sedang streaming karena bersifat kurang sopan
Mari kita sama-sama menikmati streamnya dan berteman satu sama lain ~ ^9^
【EN】Notice during the stream :
Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words
Please don’t have an OOT(out of topic) discussion in the comment
Please don’t do emoji spam
Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language
Please do not do any discussion in the waiting room
Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtuber during the livestream if the topic isn't started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite
Please enjoy my stream and let’s be friend with each other ~ ^9^
Streamer Side
Meaning / Notes
Hello Halo Selamat
Halo and selamat are greetings in Indonesian, with "selamat pagi", "selamat siang", "selamat sore", and "selamat malam" for morning, day, evening and night respectively.
A portmanteau of konbanwa (good evening)/konnichiwa (good afternoon) and Risu.
Puru puru ganbaririsu
Puru puru ganbaririsu
Risu's catchphrase.
おつリスー! Bye bye
Otsurisu is a portmanteau of otsukare (good work) and Risu.
It's popipo time
Referring to Risu's ending music stream.
Viewer Side
Meaning / Notes
Means waiting in Indonesian.
Means waiting in Japanese.
Used as her starting music; Risu making random sounds.
Bonk - The term for being kicked from Risu's chat, or otherwise disciplined for poor behavior.
BRR - A noise that Risu makes when she's flustered and when the chat is waiting for her to start. Made even more famous by her BRR ASMR.
Budiman - An Indonesian word for a learned, wise, kind person. It roughly translates to "gentleman." Risu expects this behavior of her Risuners.
Cactus - Risu's substitute word for swears, e.g. "This cactusing thing won't get off my cactus."
Jombi - A zombie. The spelling came from her pronunciation of 'zombie' during her Plants vs. Zombies streams.
Piggy Bank - Risu stole Moona Hoshinova's piggybank and barricaded herself in her room to count the coins on stream. She received several threats from Moona as a result. Chat makes references to this.
Kacang Kulit - The Indonesian word for "peanut shell." It's a similar double entendre to "nut" in English.
Popipo - Risu's stream outro music.
Seiso Degenerate - The other way Risu describes the expected behavior of Risuners. This is in particular reference to off-color jokes, which Risu will permit, laugh at, and even make herself, within reasonable limits (IE not outright pornographic).
Tetris - Risu's chat will taunt her with Tetris when it looks like she might have to do a punishment game, as she hates it.
Tricks - Risu's chat will frequently attempt to trick her into saying she is their wife, such as using Streamlabs to donate under names like "MuhHuzban" or "Mahbofrend." There are several viewers who have a noted reputation for this.
Warden - A nickname for Risu, which stems from her strict expectations regarding following the rules and her frequent "bonking" of livechat. Also because the name of her membership is "Prisuners", making her a "prison warden".
Tupaisen- A HoloID Gen 2 nickname for Risu. A portmanteau of tupai and paisen - "tupai" being Indonesian for "squirrel", and "paisen" being an inversion of "senpai".
Risu developed interest for guns because she stumbled upon gun videos. She wants to collect model/airsoft guns.[39]
She and her fans call requests through donations/superchats as "Risu DLCs".
The origin of her name comes from the scientific name of a squirrel species, the ruddy tree shrew, Tupaia splendidula. She stated that the origin of her name "Ayunda" comes from "Ayu," which means 'pretty' in Bahasa Indonesia, making her full name read as "Pretty Squirrel"[40].
She likes her Onee-chan (the one that she met in her lore), cute things, hats, and food. Her dislikes are bugs and ghosts, both of which she is afraid of.
The Hololive members she likes most are Fubuki, Matsuri, Okayu, and Korone, with Korone being one of her favorites. She has stated on multiple occasions that she wanted to collab with Korone.
She has a fear of dogs, stated during her debut stream when her neigbor's dog began barking.
Risu lived with Iofi and Moona, her fellow Hololive Indonesia Generation 1 talents, in a dorm. It was agreed that Risu was the child of the three, while Iofi was the dad and Moona was the mother. They will sometimes refer to each other by these titles.
She has mentioned she is a big fan of manga and anime and has promised viewers a Naruto run when she gets a 3D model.[41]
She participated as a guest VTuber in "AFA Creators Super Stream Vol. 2".[42]
Her mascot is named Riscot (Risu + Mascot). It was drawn[43] by Aragami Oga and later introduced in a stream.[44]
Shares the same Illustrator with IRIAM's official character Miria and Kujo Mashiro
On February 15, 2021 she revealed another mascot from Oga: Risusaurus.
According to Yatomi, Risu's tail comes through a hole in the back of her skirt.
During her debut review stream she announced her frustration at a lack of NSFW art of her since her debut.