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File:Illustrator Artwork - Hololive 5th Generation 02.jpg|With Hololive 5th Generation<br />(by [ Guchico])
File:Illustrator Artwork - Hololive 5th Generation 02.jpg|With Hololive 5th Generation<br />(by [ Guchico])
File:Illustrator Artwork - Shishiro Botan 04.jpg|By [ Guchico]
File:Illustrator Artwork - Shishiro Botan 04.jpg|By [ Guchico]
File:Illustrator Artwork - SubaChocoLunaTan 01.jpg|With [[Oozora Subaru]], [[Yuzuki Choco]], and [[Himemori Luna]]<br />(by [ Kanzaki Hiro])
File:Illustrator Artwork - Hololive 5th Generation 03.jpg|With Hololive 5th Generation<br />(by Tomari)
File:Illustrator Artwork - Hololive 5th Generation 03.jpg|With Hololive 5th Generation<br />(by Tomari)

Latest revision as of 16:43, 11 July 2024

Shishiro Botan

Japanese Name獅白ぼたん
English NameShishiro Botan
Chinese Name狮白牡丹
Debut DateAugust 14, 2020 (YouTube)
Live2D ModelingMain: 入江燈[2]
3D ModelingYatsurugi[3][4]
Member ofhololive 5th Gen
Fan Nameぼ担 (Bo-dan) (former)
SSRB (current)
Emoji /
Oshi Mark
Official Media
YouTubeBotan Ch.獅白ぼたん Verified
Twitchshishirobotan_hololive (EN) (JP) (EN) (JP)
BirthdaySeptember 8[5]
Stream Talk#ぐうたらいぶ

Introduction Video
Official Bio
Streaming Info
Other Media
External links

Introduction Video[edit]

Official Bio[edit]

Contrary to her sporty appearance, she's a white lion who prefers lazing around.
Despite her typically hands-off attitude, once she has made up her mind she will always follow through to the end.
Her favorite phrase is "Wealth isn't measured with money."


Debuting on August 14th, 2020, Shishiro Botan is a white lion Vtuber from the 5th generation of Hololive known as holofive. She hails from gangtown and had a rough time growing up. She is 22 years old... or 23. Or 25, or 26. Or even 27 or 28 years old.

Botan is known for her gaming prowess in FPS and various online multiplayer games. She also grinded her way to Master rank in Apex legends just to make it look good on her portfolio before applying for Hololive. Her early COD streams quickly caught the eyes of Activision JP and was gifted a pair of Modern warfare NVG.[7] She was also invited as a guest alongside Kotetsun4 for the "COD Challengers Japan National Team Finals" festival held on October 3rd, 2020.[8]

She is tech savvy, owning 2 PCs, a sub and another main with 4 monitors. She also likes to build PC computers as a hobby. Her new PC setup was sponsored by ASUS ROG and Crucial.[9] Due to her tech prowess, other members of 5th gen like to ask her assistance whenever they have any technical difficulties.

One of the skills that we as viewers should watch out for are her video editing skills, which she is still improving upon. She edited her own debut intro video and 5th gen's ochame kinou cover. She likes to upload her gameplay montage videos from time to time. She also has interests in ancient China which got her into learning Chinese, and she can speak it at a basic level.


Before debut, many of her fans believed she would have a deep voice; instead, she is fairly high pitched, and fans describe her as "Miko without a lisp". Contrary to her background profile of being lazy and carefree, Botan has a strong sense of responsibility and prefers a structured work environment. Her stream patterns tend to reflect this, usually built on a weekly schedule posted on her off days. Maintaining an uplifting, fun stream experience is very important to Botan, and she will even refrain from playing some games if she’s concerned it could result in a poor experience for the fans. She even takes the time to enable English subtitles for her foreign viewers. While around the other members of 5th generation, she is considered the “father” of the group, watching over and helping the others as the most experienced gamer.

Despite her earnest and motivated nature, Botan has admitted to enjoying being the silly member of a group, and has shown a propensity to play around much more when in the presence of her seniors.[10] She has an inclination for teasing those close to her, as can be seen in many interactions with her peers in the 5th generation. She is very free-spirited, and her laughs are a characteristic prized by her fans. When playing games, rather than getting frustrated when struggling, she’ll often resort to joking Japanese, such as “tachukete,” or making her speech overtly feminine and polite.

Botan’s earnest nature also shows in her perceptiveness towards others’ feelings. She is aware of her skill in video games as well as her low position and comparably short length of time as a member of Hololive. She frequently takes these into consideration when interacting with other Hololive members. This can result in her hesitating to directly offer help to her seniors or directly proposing plans for collaboration streams. Despite this, she still usually takes steps towards providing help, even strategically getting other members to ask her for help.

She has a habit of calling out her attacks and actions when playing games. Some notable call-outs are:

  • Poi : Whenever she throws a grenade or any projectile in a game.
  • Tachukete : Her way of saying tasukete in a baby voice which means “Save me, Please”.
  • Hewp hewp : Her way of saying help help
  • Oraaa, ikuzo! (come on, let's go!): She uses this whenever she is ready to charge the enemy.



  • Apr. 13 YouTube channel creation date.
  • Apr. 28 Twitter account creation date.
  • Aug. 14 Achieved a 100,000 YouTube subscriber milestone before her debut.[11]
  • Aug. 14 Officially debuted on YouTube.
  • Aug. 18 Achieved a 200,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.
  • Sep. 11 Achieved a 300,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.
  • Sep. 11 Membership feature opened.[12]
  • Sep. 18 Reddit account creation date.
  • Oct. 31 Achieved a 400,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[13]
  • Dec. 12 Achieved a 500,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[14]


  • Jan. 01 Revealed her Live2D New Years outfit.[15]
  • Jan. 16 Revealed her main 3D model.[16]
  • Jan. 16 Achieved a 600,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[17]
  • Feb. 05 Botan tweeted to switch from her previous Fan Name tag, #ぼ担, to using #SSRB, her community tag. [18]
  • Mar. 03 Achieved a 700,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[19]
  • May 23 Achieved an 800,000 YouTube subscriber milestone.[20]
  • July 29 Achieved a 900,000 YouTube subscriber milestone during a karaoke stream.[21]
  • Oct. 16 Achieved a 1,000,000 YouTube subscriber milestone during another karaoke stream.[22] This is one of the few times Botan has become emotional on-stream.


Streaming Information[edit]

Stream Rules[edit]

For the main page, see Stream Rules.

Botan has the following streaming rules in her streams' descriptions:


  • 皆で仲良くする事。スパムや荒らし行為は禁止。
  • スパムや荒らしを見かけても反応しない。ブロック&通報で無視しましょう。
  • 配信に関係ない話題を出したり個人的なお話をするのは控えましょう。
  • 話題に出ていない他の配信者のお話などは控えましょう。
  • 同様に、わたしの配信の話は他の配信者のチャットでしないでください。
  • 待機所でお喋りは控えましょう(トラブル防止のため)


Thanks for watching my stream!
I can only understand simple English, but I appreciate your comments and support.
To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow these rules:

  • Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll
  • If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore.
  • Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations.
  • Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them.
  • Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat.
  • Please refrain from chatting before the stream starts to prevent any issues

As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language

【Правила чата】

Спасибо, что смотрите мои стримы!
Я ценю вашу поддержку и комментарии на любом языке. Чтобы сделать стримы наиболее комфортными для всех, пожалуйста, придерживайтесь следующих правил:

  • Будьте вежливы к другим зрителям. Не занимайтесь спамом или троллингом.
  • Если Вы видите спам или троллинг, не реагируйте на него. Просто заблокируйте и оставьте жалобу.
  • Не поднимайте не связанные со стримом темы и не ведите личных переписок в чате.
  • Не упоминайте других стримеров, если только не были упомянуты на стриме.
  • Аналогично, не стоит говорить обо мне или моих стримах в чатах других стримеров.
  • Пожалуйста, воздержитесь от общения в чате до начала стрима во избежание каких-либо недоразумений.

Пока Вы следуете вышеприведенным правилам, Вы можете общаться в чате на любом языке.


Until Feb 2021, she called her fans "Bo-dan" (ぼ担). She currently calls them "SSRB".

Streamer Side
Scene Lines Romaji Meaning / Notes
Greetings ららーいおん La Lion~・RaRa-ion Singing
Introduction おはよう・こんばんは 獅白ぼたんです Ohayou/konbanwa shishiro botan desu Morning/Evening I am Shishiro Botan
Farewell じゃあね またお会いしましょう、バイバイ Jaa ne mata oai shimashou, bye bye See you later, let's meet again, bye bye
Viewer Side
Scene Lines Romaji Meaning / Notes
Waiting 待機🌿 Taiki
Greetings ららーいおん La Lion~・RaRa-ion Viewers respond with the same greetings as Botan
Farewell おつらいおーん バイバイ O tsurai o~n , bye bye A portmanteau "otsukare" and "lion"
YouTube Membership Perks
Badges and Emoji Perk Levels
Shishiro Bo-dan【SSRB】
  • Members-only live stream
  • Members-only videos

Other Media[edit]


  • Shares the same Illustrator with the following VTubers:
  • First VTuber that get 100,000 subscriber milestone before her debut.
  • Got Twitter restriction on August 17, 2020 after she replied all of her fans replies with emoji.[25][26]
  • Is one of the moderators in the official Hololive Subreddit. Other members can be seen here.
  • She was sponsored to stream the multiplayer test for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.
  • She created her own private server so her fans can join and play BFIV together, but the sheer amount of fans joining crashes the private game server
  • She created the tag [SSRB] that players can attach to their name in games/social media to show their support.
  • Her first collab partner among the seniors was Tsunomaki Watame, playing Overcooked 2
  • She has nonchalant side to her where she teases others and playing pranks on them with deadpan replies, this can specially be seen when she is interacting with Omaru Polka and Tsunomaki Watame.
  • She is unfazed by horror games, according to her she only plays horror in order to get a scare out of others. Which can be seen when she plays with Yukihana Lamy. Fans call this the "ShishiLamy horror date"
  • She is often misunderstood for being angry due to her high toned voice, when asked do you punch a pillow after ending your stream on a bad day. She replies “I don't do that but I do bury my face into it, while kicking on the bed”.
  • She is holds the record on Yuzuki Choco's 3-minute Quiz with 28 points.
  • Many weird incidents have happened to her in childhood like a delivery man forcing her to open a door to deliver a package at her house, her feet getting run over by a car because her father accidentally backed into her twice, almost crushing her against the garage wall, her father giving her a cat when she asked for a dog birthday present.
  • She has a strange fascination with old man characters when creating characters in games like Ark, Watch Dogs etc. or even almost naked characters only wearing underwear.
  • She has also created an Udon restaurant chain in Minecraft named Menya Botan to show how much she loves eating Udon. Also created BotanX, a lethal sniper targeting Shubangelion, a duck-like "mecha" created by Oozora Subaru.
  • She likes pineapple on pizza and calls it Justice.
  • Owns 2 cats named Shishi and Ron.
  • Is referred to by her Russian fan-base as "императрица Ботан" which translates to "Empress Botan", as can be seen especially in comments of fan-made videos. [27]
  • She asked the artist Misa to design her a mascot to represent her fans, which was shared by Botan on her Twitter account on April 24, 2021[28].
  • Botan's age is a mystery, as she gives conflicting and ambiguous numbers every time she mentions it. For example: "Roughly 22 or 23. Or 25 or 26. Or... Or 27 or 28",[29] and "Between 20 and 30... Or between 40 and 50."[30]
  • Is one of the Hololive Production VTubers with a verified YouTube channel. Other verified members can be found here.

No speculations and rumors, just fun facts!


Image Gallery[edit]


Original Songs[edit]

The following are original songs by Botan.

Lioness’ Pride

I I I Love You



The following are a list of albums Botan has made or participated in.

Lioness’ Pride
Release Date August 15, 2021
Track List
  1. Lioness’ Pride
  2. Lioness’ Pride (Instrumental)
External links
Digital Release • Music Video
Collab Singles
Release Date December 24, 2020
Track List
  2. BLUE CLAPPER (Instrumental)
External links
Digital Release • Music Video
Collab Albums
Release Date April 21, 2021
Track List
External links
Digital Release

Cover Songs[edit]

The following are a list of songs covered by Botan.

Solo Covers
  • Will
    Listen to cover
    Original by: Melty Cat Melty Cat
  • アニマル (Animal)
    Listen to cover
    Original by: DECO*27 (YouTube / Fandom)
  • 創造 (Souzou)
    Listen to cover
    Original by: LUCASの存在 LUCASの存在
  • ノンブレス・オブリージュ (Non-breath oblige)
    Listen to cover
    Original by: Pinocchio-P (YouTube / Fandom)

Collab Covers


The following are a list of background music Botan has used in her streams and videos.

Made for Botan



  1. (Aug. 6, 2020). Retrieved from
  2. (Aug. 14, 2020) Retrieved from
  3. (Jan. 16, 2021). Retrieved from
  4. (Jan. 16, 2021). Retrieved from
  5. (Aug. 6, 2020). Retrieved from
  6. (Aug. 6, 2020). Retrieved from
  11. (Aug. 14, 2020). Retrieved from
  12. (Sep. 11, 2020). Retrieved from
  13. (Oct. 31, 2020). Retrieved from
  14. (Dec. 12, 2020). Retrieved from
  15. (Jan. 01, 2021) Retrieved from
  16. (Jan. 16, 2021) Retrieved from
  19. (Mar. 03, 2021) Retrieved from
  20. (May. 23, 2021) Retrieved from
  21. (July 29, 2021) Retrieved from
  22. (October 16, 2021) Retrieved from
  23. (Mar. 13, 2022) Retrieved from
  25. Retrieved from
  26. (Aug. 18, 2020) Retrieved from
  27. Retrieved from
  28. Retrieved from (April 24, 2021)
  29. (Aug 14, 2020) Retrieved from
  30. (Feb 21, 2021) Retrieved from

External links[edit]