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{{Streaming Information Box
| Channel = UCOyYb1c43VlX9rc_lT6NKQw
| S Greetings Lines = Hello, halo, salamatselamat, こんリス
| S Greetings Romaji = こんリス = Konrisu
| S Greetings Notes = Halo and salamatselamat are greetings in Indonesian, with "selamat pagi", "selamat siang", "selamat sore", and "selamat malam" for morning, day, evening and night respectively. Konrisu is a portmanteau of konbanwa(good evening)/konnichiwa(good afternoon) and Risu.
| S Introduction Lines = Puru puru ganbaririsu
| S Introduction Romaji = Puru puru ganbaririsu

Revision as of 23:22, 25 June 2020

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Ayunda Risu
File:Ayunda Risu - Portrait.png
"Insert catchy greetings here"
Japanese Nameアユンダ・リス
English NameAyunda Risu
Debut DateApril 10, 2020
Member ofhololive Indonesia 1st Gen
Fan NameRisuners
Emoji /
Oshi Mark
Official Media
YouTubeAyunda Risu Ch. hololive-ID
Websitehololive.tv (English)
hololive.tv (Japanese)
OtherAyunda Risu hololive ID - Facebook
ayunda_risu - Instagram
BirthdayJanuary 15
Age17 years old
Stream Talk#Risu_Live

Introduction Video

Official Bio

English: "A squirrel girl who comes from the magicial forest.
She once lost her way in the human realm, but was then saved by a kind-hearted woman with whom she is now living. She treats this woman as her big sis.
She debuted as a VTuber just to repay her."

Japanese: "魔法の森からやってきたリスの女の子。


Ayunda Risu is a VTuber from Hololive ID, She is cheerful and likes to play pranks on her friends. She came from a magical forest and met a "Big Sister" that takes care of her while she is in human world, and being VTuber is her way to payback her “Big Sister”.

Risu well known for her talent to do multiple voice types be it voice acting or singing, having an extensive vocal range as well. She is able to speak 3 languages, English, Indonesia, and Japanese. She is learning Japanese with help from her friends and those around her.

As superchats are not available in Indonesia, Risu has a streamlabs[1] set up alongside superchats for those who want to donate.


According to Risu's introduction stream, she claims that she is cheerful, clumsy, as well as a crybaby. She is shown to be determined, although she is bad with ghosts and horror games, she will still play them if her viewers request them, although she will scream and probably cry[2].



  • She began her Twitter account on March.
  • She created her YouTube channel on March 3.
  • Her debut on YouTube and first uploaded video was on April 10.
  • She reached 10,000 YouTube subscribers on April 11[3], and 50,000 subscribers on May 23.[4][5]

Streamer Information

Stream Rules

For the main page, see Stream Rules.

Risu has the following streaming rules in her streams' descriptions:

【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming sedang berlangsung:

  • Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan
  • Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topik pada kolom komentar
  • Dimohon tidak melakukan spam emoji/emoticon
  • Dimohon untuk tidak mengumpat, mencela, atau berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar
  • Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di waiting room
  • Dimohon untuk tidak memberi komentar tentang Vtuber lain di waiting room / saat livestream apabila tidak dimulai lebih dulu oleh Vtuber yang sedang streaming karena bersifat kurang sopan

Mari kita sama-sama menikmati streamnya dan berteman satu sama lain ~ ^9^

【EN】Notice during the stream :

  • Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words
  • Please don’t have an OOT(out of topic) discussion in the comment
  • Please don’t do emoji spam
  • Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language
  • Please do not do any discussion in the waiting room
  • Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtuber during the livestream if the topic isn't started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite

Please enjoy my stream and let’s be friend with each other ~ ^9^

Streamer Side
Scene Lines Romaji Meaning / Notes
Greetings Hello, halo, selamat, こんリス こんリス = Konrisu Halo and selamat are greetings in Indonesian, with "selamat pagi", "selamat siang", "selamat sore", and "selamat malam" for morning, day, evening and night respectively. Konrisu is a portmanteau of konbanwa(good evening)/konnichiwa(good afternoon) and Risu.
Introduction Puru puru ganbaririsu Puru puru ganbaririsu Risu's catchphrase.
Farewell おつリスー! Bye bye Otsurisu! Otsurisu is a portmanteau of otsukare(good work) and Risu.
Viewer Side
Scene Lines Romaji Meaning / Notes
Waiting menunggu, 待機, Brrrr 待機 = Taiki menunggu means waiting in Indonesian. Taiki means waiting in Japanese. Brrr is used as her starting music is Risu making random sounds.
Greetings Hello, halo, salamat, こんリス こんリス See streamer greeting notes.
Farewell おつリスー! otsurisu! See streamer farewell notes.

Other Media


  • Risu developed interest for guns because she stumbled upon gun videos. She wants to collect model/airsoft guns.[6]
  • She likes to browse the internet a lot, and ends up being attracted to "weird" things.
  • She and her fans call her voice imitations as "Risu DLCs".
  • The origin of her name comes from the scientific name of a squirrel species, the ruddy tree shrew, Tupaia splendidula. She stated for her name Ayunda", the "Ayu" part being pretty in Indonesia, thus claims to be a pretty/cute squirrel[7].
  • She likes her Onee-chan(the one that she met in her lore), cute things, hats, and food. Her dislikes are bugs and ghosts, both of which she is afraid of.
  • The Hololive members she likes most are Fubuki, Matsuri, Okayu, and Korone, with Korone being one of her favorites, as she has stated on multiple occasions that she wanted to collab with Korone.
  • She has a fear of dogs.

No speculations and rumors, just fun facts!


Image Gallery



The following are a list of background music Risu has used in her streams and videos.

Made for Risu
Title GambaRisu Usage OP Music and stream BGM
Made by にーえぬ Link/s
Title Pa-Pi-Pa Usage Ending music
Made by Haru Tandhira Link/s
Stream BGM
Title 冬、放課後、8mm Usage Opening BGM
Made by ネコト Link/s
Title ぼくはへなちょこ Usage Talking+streaming BGM
Made by ゆうり Link/s
Brewing Coffee
Title Brewing Coffee Usage Ending BGM
Made by Cloria Sound Labs Link/s
Good Morning Sunshine
Title Good Morning Sunshine Usage Stream BGM
Made by Modus Link/s


External links