Aqua Iro in Wonder☆Land♪

MINATO AQUA One-Man Live 2022 "Aqua Iro in Wonder☆Land♪" (湊あくあワンマンライブ 2022「あくあ色 in わんだ~☆らんど♪」) was a live concert event that took place at Toyosu PIT on January 28, 2022, serving as Minato Aqua's second solo live concert.
Oozora Subaru, Nekomata Okayu, Houshou Marine, Momosuzu Nene, Gawr Gura and Ninomae Inanis appeared as guests.
The Blu-ray of the concert was released on September 28, 2022.
Song | |
Japanese | English |
あくたんのこと好きすぎ☆ソング | Too Much Love for Aqutan☆Song |
秘密の扉から会いにきて | I Came to See You From a Secret Door |
浸食!! 地球全域全おーしゃん1 | Domination!! All the World Is an Ocean1 |
嗚呼、素晴らしきニャン生2 | Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat Life2 |
あいわな | I Wanna |
uni-birth | |
海想列車 | Seaside Train |
つまりはいつもくじけない!3 | In Other Words, Never Give Up!3 |
For The Win (2022 ver.) | |
初恋サイダー | First Love Cider |
誇り高きアイドル | Proud Idol |
きらきら | Twinkle Twinkle |
#あくあ色ぱれっと | #Aqua-colored Palette |
1 with Houshou Marine, Gawr Gura, and Ninomae Ina'nis
2 with Nekomata Okayu
3 with Oozora Subaru and Momosuzu Nene