Sing and cheer
The party goes on
Break out the Oni'n'Furball Dance (ha!)
yo yo yo yo
kon kon kon kon
mion mion mion mion
Oni, fox, and canine, in the shrine!
Take on a new avatar on the count of three
Gather on the internet for another night
With blessings for your fandom
This here is paradise
One, two, and a hop, step, jump
These horns light up the shadows of the night
Doesn't matter where it leads
Walk your own path
Swaying, yearning
My passions flared up in an instant
They are yet a fragmented message
May they mature one day
And burst out in bloom
Humans and beasts, right this way (hai hai!)
Shrine dogs and foxes, jump and fly away (hai hai!)
Life is so very short
So leave a mark, any way you can
A parade of good fortune, backed up by an Oni (hai hai!)
Hear ye, hear ye, come one, come all (hai hai!)
It's a festival for the ages
Shoot for the stars
Sing and cheer
The party goes on
Break out the Oni'n'Furball Dance (ha!)
yo yo yo yo
kon kon kon kon
mion mion mion mion
Come, come, let me borrow you for a minute
Will-o'-the-wisps as my pranks
I want to mess and play with my dear humans (Ready? Yo!)
Making a Too Sweet sign with my hands
What I wub most is inari sushi (Kon!)
Nothing ventured, nothing canine'd
So I summon you, Hatotaurus! (Yikes, that made me jump!)
Enough Super Chats! Stop, stop, stop!
I feel the hopes vested in those coins
So precious, those sweet fools
Dreaming the most innocent of dreams
Drifting in the gentle breeze
Like the falling of petals in the spring
As sad as it is
Watch it unfold
And bloom in its place
Specters, idols, or the gods divine (hai hai!)
Virtual or real, no borders within (hai hai!)
Wagging our tails
Let's conquer it all
Streaming the world I envision (hai hai!)
No borders, only broader horizons (hai hai!)
Load your soul into the barrel
And fire away
Sing and cheer
The party goes on
Break out the Oni'n'Furball Dance (ha!)
I have something to say to you
Animal ears sure are the bomb, yo
Wub, wub, wub, wub, big wub
Finally, I've found you, my princess
Linking the past to the future
Pursuing dreams to the ends of the earth
I love you more than anything in this world
I love you so much!
Jumping, from one calling to another
After the rain falls in the fox's wedding
A rainbow will form
Bring it all together
And shine forevermore
Dance forevermore
Humans and beasts, right this way (hai hai!)
Shrine dogs and foxes, jump and fly away (hai hai!)
Life is so very short
So leave a mark, any way you can
A parade of good fortune, backed up by an Oni (hai hai!)
Hear ye, hear ye, come one, come all (hai hai!)
It's a festival for the ages
Shoot for the stars
Sing and cheer
The party goes on
Break out the Oni'n'Furball Dance (ha!)
yo yo yo yo
kon kon kon kon
mion mion mion mion
Oni, fox, and canine, in the shrine! (ha!)