"Miko in Maguma" is a hololive fangame featuring Sakura Miko. The game is a tricky verticle platformer similar to games such as Jump King. The game involves the player throwing a Sakura flower which will teleport Miko to wherever it lands with the goal of reaching the top of the stage.

Miko in Maguma
Video Game Info
English NameMiko in Maguma
Release DateApril 26, 2024
Developersfrog blend
Publishersholo indie
Programmersfrog blend
Artistsfrog blend
CastSakura Miko
TranslationEnglish, Japanese
PlatformsWindows (via Steam)
GenresTricky Verticle Platformer
WebsiteSteam Page

Description (Steam) edit

I fell into magma again today. Anyway, I'm going home for today.

Miko in Magma is a hololive fan game. Operate Hololive's VTuber "Miko Sakura" and aim to escape from magma! But there are 35p and Holomem trying to prevent you from going home! ? If you make a mistake, you might have to start from the beginning!? This is a vertical scrolling action game that is very difficult but somewhat addictive.

Slightly unique and difficult

This is a vertical scrolling action game where you must land on one of the scaffolding(floor) each time to reach the top to escape from the magma. Throw "cherry blossom petals" with your mouse to land on the scaffolding. This game is characterized by its simple, yet somewhat unique movement method.

In addition, there are gaps between the scaffolds and you will fall if you miscalculate. The scaffold you are trying to land might be too far away to see, or there might be scaffolds that are too difficult to land on. All the scaffolding was placed in a "slightly unfriendly manner! Let's aim to escape from the slightly unique and difficult magma! Characters who get in the way of escape

There are various characters in Magma that will get in the way of your escape. Characters related to Miko Sakura such as "35p" and "Kintoki", Other hololive Vtuber talents, such as “Watame Tsunomaki” and “Suisei Hoshimachi”, will also give you a hard time! You can simply avoid them or sometimes even move by taking advantage of the them! ? Mini game

Playing rock, paper, scissors with "Watame Tsunomaki... Play a unique RPG where you fight according to the numbers rolled on the roulette wheel... You can play mini-games that are very different from the main game.

Credits edit

Casts edit

Planning/Program/Design edit

Copyright edit

  • PeriTune
  • 効果音ラボ
  • ぴぽや倉庫
  • ときりすショップ
  • いらすとや
  • Taro BGM
  • tmk 93
  • コンペントウ-KOMPENTO
  • 麦むすび

External Links edit

Miko in Maguma Steam Storepage