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On July 4th, [[Gawr Gura]] achieved 3,000,000 YouTube Subscribers. She is the first [[Hololive Production]] and [[Hololive English]] Vtuber to achieve the milestone and first ever Vtuber to achieve this milestone.
[[IRyS]] debuts on July 11th as the only member of [[Hololive English Project: HOPE]].<ref>(July 11, 2021) Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTU3TIZRUCM</ref>
== 2022 ==
On March 16th, [[Mori Calliope]] achieved 2,000,000 YouTube Subscribers being the second [[Hololive Production]] and [[Hololive English]] Vtuber to achieve this milestone.<ref>(Mar. 26, 2022) Retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/toitq3/mori_calliope_celebrates_2000000_subscribers/</ref>
[[INoNaKa Music]] is disbanded on April 1st. [[AZKi]] is moved to [[Hololive Japan]].<ref>(Dec. 29, 2021) https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000599.000030268.html</ref><ref>(Apr. 1, 2022) Retrieved from https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1509666854444359682</ref>
On June 16th, [[Gawr Gura]] achieved 4,000,000 YouTube Subscribers. She is the first [[Hololive Production]] and [[Hololive English]] Vtuber to achieve the milestone and first ever Vtuber to achieve this milestone.
On July 12th, [[Tsukumo Sana]] announced her graduation from [[Hololive Production]] on stream.<ref>(Jul. 12, 2022). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbqJ7JObVBM</ref> With a press release released by [[COVER Corporation|Cover Corporation]] later that day. Following her final stream on July 31st, Tsukumo Sana graduated from Hololive.
On August 1st, [[Houshou Marine]] achieved 2,000,000 YouTube Subscribers. She is the first [[Hololive Japan]] Vtuber to achieve this milestone and third [[Hololive Production]] Vtuber to achieve this milestone.<ref>(Aug. 01, 2022). Retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/wd9ct9/houshou_marine_celebrates_2000000_subscribers/</ref>
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[[ReGLOSS|ReGLOSS]] debuted as the first wave of Hololive's new branch, [[Hololive DEV_IS]] with 5 members, [[Hiodoshi Ao]], [[Otonose Kanade]], [[Ichijou Ririka]], [[Juufuutei Raden]] and [[Todoroki Hajime]].<ref>(Sep. 04, 2023) https://hololive.hololivepro.com/news/20230904-01-202/</ref>[[File:Logo - ReGLOSS.webp|159px|thumb|right|[[ReGLOSS]] Logo]]
[[Hololive English -Council-]] held a series of 3D Showcase's from September 17th to October 9th.<ref>(Sep. 09, 2023) Retrieved from https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/20230912-01-203/</ref>


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