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Iofi has a cheerful nature and is energetic and talkative throughout her streams, and is quite open about her thoughts and feelings. Her streams are often described as calm and "comfy," mixing her gameplay with chatting with the viewers, and has stated her love for free talks. She has a strong comedic side, often playing along with or against viewers. She never wavers from her views and values, and she plans each stream with the goal of a comfortable, engaging, and enjoyable experience with the viewer, whether that be through her collabs, content choice, or discussions. Her chats are varied and will often choose topics from the viewers, though she is quite passionate about talking on beauty/skin care, voice actors, and gacha.
She is incredibly supportive and social in general with a variety of personalities thanks to her knowledge of multiple languages and compassionate nature. She is very close with genmates Moona and Risu, streaming monthly together in collabs known as "Area 15", with Iofi acting as Moona’s husband and Risu’s papa.<ref>(Jul. 26, 2020). Retrieved from</ref> Her nature during these streams shifts between caring and flirtatious, with fans often calling her “Erofi” due to her antics, contrasting with the wholesome advice she often gives others.<ref>(Nov. 29, 2020). Retrieved from </ref> This advice is not restricted to vtubers; she has posted short videos encouraging viewers as well, and in general she is quite vocal and responsive to the chat during streams.<ref>(Dec. 18, 2020). Retrieved from </ref>
She collabs regularly with various groups members outside of Area 15, including “Kira Kira Family” with Risu, [[Aragami Oga]], and [[Arurandeisu]], and “HoloFOI” with [[Shirakami Fubuki]] and Oga.<ref>(Nov. 21, 2020). Retrieved from</ref> She and [[Tokino Sora]], whom she calls “Sora-neesan” host a monthly show “IoSoRadio” on “Otaku Talk.” <ref>(Dec. 14, 2020). Retrieved from</ref> She frequently hosts one-on-one collabs both inside and outside of Hololive, most commonly with [[Tsunomaki Watame]], [[Ninomae Ina'nis]], Aisha, and Pochimaru. <ref>(Jun. 20, 2020). Retrieved from</ref> Due to her friendship with Pochimaru, Iofi is referred to by [[Pavolia Reine]] as "tante Iofi" or "Auntie Iofi." She has also served as a "bridge" between personalities, helping them connect, such as [[Usada Pekora]] and Moona, and [[Yukoku Roberu]] and Ono Yuuki.