Ookami Mio: Difference between revisions

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Updating Mio's greetings and introductions
(Updating Mio's greetings and introductions)
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== Streaming Information ==
{{Streaming Information Box
| S Greetings = 2
| S Greetings Lines = こんばんみぉーん!
| S Greetings Romaji = Konbanmion!
| S Greetings Notes = She begins every evening stream with a good evening phrase, though with her name included in the greeting. She uses "Ohirumion!" when she streams in the afternoon, and "Ohamion!" if she streams in the morning.
| S IntroductionGreetings Lines 2 = うちうち、うちだよ!
| S IntroductionGreetings Romaji 2 = Uchi uchi, uchi da yo!
| S Greetings Notes 2 = Mio's new standard greeting, created after her "Freedom Mio" declaration. Mio uses "uchi," another way to refer to oneself in Japanese.
| S Introduction Notes = 2
| S Introduction Lines = ホロライブゲーマーズの大神ミオです!
| S Introduction Romaji = Hororaibu gēmāzu no Ookami Mio desu!
| S Introduction Notes = Mio's full introduction including her affiliation with hololive GAMERS.
| S Introduction Lines 2 = 大神ミオだよ!
| S Introduction Romaji 2 = Ookami Mio da yo!
| S Introduction Notes 2 = Mio's introduction; typically paired with her "uchi uchi" greeting.
| S Farewell Lines = おつみぉーん!
| S Farewell Romaji = Otsumion!
| S Farewell Notes = She uses this phrase when ending a stream. She will also say "Oyasumion!" afterward if it is time to for viewers to go to sleep.
| V Waiting Lines = 待🌲
| V Waiting Romaji = Taiki
| V Waiting Notes = A pun meaning "Waiting." Viewers will also use ミミミミミ (Mimimimi...) when Mio's stream opening begins. It is the SFX for Mio's laser beam.
| V Greetings Lines = こんばんみぉーん!3
| V Greetings RomajiLines = Konbanmion!おはみぉーん!
| V Greetings Notes Romaji = Viewers respond with the same greeting as Mio.Ohamion!
| V Greetings Notes = Viewers respond with the same greeting as Mio (Good morning).
| V Greetings Lines 2 = ひるみぉーん!
| V Greetings Romaji 2 = Hirumion!
| V Greetings Notes 2 = Viewers respond with the same greeting as Mio (Good afternoon).
| V Greetings Lines 3 = こんばんみぉーん!
| V Greetings Romaji 3 = Konbanmion!
| V Greetings Notes 3 = Viewers respond with the same greeting as Mio (Good evening).
| V Farewell Lines = おつみぉーん!
| V Farewell Romaji = Otsumion!
