Momosuzu Nene: Difference between revisions

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== Streaming Information ==
=== Stream Rules ===
''For the main page, see '''[[Stream Rules]]'''.''
Nene has the following streaming rules in her streams' descriptions:
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みんなが協力してくれたら、配信がもっともっと楽しくなるネ!<br />
* リスナーさん同士仲良くしてネ!スパムや荒らし行為は禁止アル。
* スパムや荒らしを見かけても、反応しない!<br />ブロック&通報で無視アルよ~!
* 配信に関係ない話題を出したり個人的なお話をするのはやめてほしいアル。
* 話題に出てなければ、他の配信者は配信の話はしないでネ。
* ねねやねねの配信の話は他の配信者のチャットでちゃダメアルよ。迷惑ある!
* 待機所でお喋りは控えてほしいネ(トラブル防止のためアルよ!)
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Thanks for watching my stream!<br />
I can only understand simple English, but I appreciate your comments and support.<br />
To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow these rules:
* Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll
* If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore.
* Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations.
* Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them.
* Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat.
* Please refrain from chatting before the stream starts to prevent any issues
As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language
=== Fans ===
Her fans are called Nekkos (ねっ子).
