Anya Melfissa: Difference between revisions

4,285 bytes added ,  1 year ago
→‎Trivia: Added more (will soon add more)
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== Overview ==
'''Anya Melfissa''' is an Indonesian [ Kris] dagger, she is the second member of [[Hololive Indonesia 2nd Generation|Holoro]] she debuted in December 5, 2020. She enjoys streaming horror games and usually stream those alongside games that involve shooting and/or surviving (like Rust, Raft and Half-Life 2). Most of her collabs are done with other ID or JP members, when collabing with EN members she is usually invited by the EN member, and when speaking with a EN member that can speak Japanese she will usually speak in Japanese (since her Japanese is better than her English).
== Personality ==
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【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming sedang berlangsung:
* Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan.
* Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topik pada kolom komentar.
* Dimohon tidak melakukan spam dalam bentuk apa pun.
* Dimohon untuk tidak mengumpat, mencela, atau berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar.
* Dimohon untuk jaga sikap saat komentar dan mohon jangan komentar hal-hal sensitif yang berbau SARA, politik, NSFW, dll.
* Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di waiting room.
* Dimohon untuk tidak memberi komentar tentang Vtuber lain di waiting room/saat livestream apabila tidak dimulai lebih dulu oleh Vtuber yang sedang streaming karena bersifat kurang sopan.
• Komen-komen berbau backseat dan spoiler akan langsung di time-out/BAN. Dimohon untuk jangan backseat dan kasih spoiler kecuali diminta.
• Donasi dan superchat biasanya dibaca di akhir stream. Donasi dan superchat di stream collab akan dibaca di lain hari pada saat solo stream.
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【EN】Notice during the stream:
* Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words.
* Please keep the chat on-topic in relation to the stream.
* Please do not spam.
* Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language.
* Please refrain from commenting about sensitive topics such as race, politics, NSFW, etc.
* Please do not do any discussion in the waiting room.
* Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtuber during the livestream if the topic isn't started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite.
• Backseating and giving spoilers about the game, unless asked, may result in time-out/instant BAN.
• Superchats and donations are usually read at the end of the stream. Collab streams superchats are read in another solo stream.
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* 視聴者同士で仲良く、丁寧な言葉でコメントをお願いします
* 無関係の話題を話さないでください
* 絵文字のスパムをしないようお願いします
* 不適切な言葉を使わないでほしいです
* 待機中の話を遠慮してほしいです
* 話題に出ていない他の配信者について、話さないでください
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* She shares the same Live2D Modellers with the following VTubers:
** [[Gawr Gura]]
* She was [[Gawr Guras]]'s first collab with a Kouhai<ref> (Jan. 3, 2023) Retrieved from</ref>.
* Her first collab (outside of Holoro collabs) was with [[Ninomae Ina'nis|Ina]], playing [[|Unravel Two]]. A game that [[Ninomae Ina'nis|Ina]] herself recommended to Anya.
== Media ==
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| Image = Thumbnail - 【cover】ギラギラ(Gira Gira) Anya Melfissa.jpg
| Main Link =
| Original by = [[Wikipedia:Ado_(singer)|Ado]] ({{YouTube|sOiMD45QGLs|Mode=Icon}}), {{Twitter|edogawa_sampo|Teniwoha}}
| Credits =
| Credits = {{Twitter|oastlv|oats}} (Illustration), {{Twitter|TimothyAlv_|Timothy}} (Mixing), {{Twitter|Snow_Rabbit_yy|鳴宮ユキ}} (Video)
* '''Illustration:'''{{Twitter|oastlv|oats}}
* '''Mixing:''' {{Twitter|TimothyAlv_|Timothy Alv - 東京テラス Music Production}}
* '''Video:''' {{Twitter|Snow_Rabbit_yy|鳴宮ユキ (Snow Rabbit)}}
* '''Subtitles:''' T-chan
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| Main Link =
| Original by = Tsumiki ({{YouTube|9QLT1Aw_45s|Mode=Icon}} / [ Fandom])
| Credits =
| Credits = {{Twitter|senjou62|Sen-Jou}} & {{Twitter|hievasp|hievasp}} (Illustration), {{Twitter|Sankaku_Mix|さんかくずわり}} (Mixing), {{Twitter|_Rai28|らいり}} (Video)
* '''Illustration:''' {{Twitter|senjou62|Sen-Jou}}, {{Twitter|hievasp|hievasp}}
* '''Mixing:''' {{Twitter|Sankaku_Mix|さんかくずわり (Sankaku Mix)}}
* '''Video:''' {{Twitter|_Rai28|らいり (Rai)}}
* '''English Translation:''' Herself
{{Cover box
| Title = マーシャルマキシマイザー(Marshall Maximizer)
| Image = Thumbnail - 【cover】 マーシャルマキシマイザー(Marshall Maximizer) Anya Melfissa.jpg
| Main Link =
| Original by = 柊マグネタイト ({{YouTube|jMKPYg0uhCI|Mode=Icon}})
| Credits =
* '''Illustration:''' {{Twitter|hkina7|きな (hkina7)}}
* '''Mixing:''' {{Twitter|Sankaku_Mix|さんかくずわり (Sankaku Mix)}}
* '''Video:''' {{Twitter|_Rai28|らいり (Rai)}}
{{Cover box
| Title = シェーマ(Schema)
| Image = Thumbnail - 【cover】 シェーマ(Schema) Anya Melfissa.jpg
| Main Link =
| Original by = Chinozo ({{YouTube|dH4b59syDYs|Mode=Icon}})
| Credits =
* '''Illustration:''' {{Twitter|riri_zuran|Lilly}} (Passed away<ref> (Jan. 3, 2023) Retrieved from</ref>)
* '''Mixing:''' {{Twitter|cak_ntm|なつめ千秋 (cak)}}
* '''Video:''' {{Twitter|kz_amv|KZAMV - Kuli Komis}}
{{Cover box
| Title = ド屑(DOKUZU)
| Image = Thumbnail - 【cover】 ド屑 Anya(DOKUZU) Melfissa.jpg
| Main Link =
| Original by = なきそ (NAKISO) ({{YouTube|5XehRIb81k8|Mode=Icon}})
| Credits =
* '''Illustration:''' {{Twitter|AngryNum|Num}}
* '''Mixing:''' {{Twitter|Yusuke_BluSwing|ynkmr}}
* '''Video:''' {{Twitter|_Rai28|らいり (Rai)}}
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| Sung by = [[Axel Syrios]], [[Regis Altare]], [[Noir Vesper]], [[Mori Calliope]], [[Ninomae Ina'nis]], [[Ouro Kronii]], [[Pavolia Reine]], [[Anya Melfissa]], [[Kureiji Ollie]]
| Credits =
* '''ArtIllustration:''' {{Twitter|sksm35|さかしま}}
* '''Mixing:''' {{Twitter|suzukishota0525|鈴木}}
* '''Video:''' {{Twitter|generic_npc|vide}}
* '''Thumbnail:''' [[Vestia Zeta]]
{{Cover box
| Title = 気分上々↑↑ (Kibun Jojo)
| Main Link =
| Original by = [ mihimaru GT] ({{YouTube|g0Pb5CDhndk|Mode=Icon}})
| Image = Thumbnail - 【Holoro】 気分上々↑↑ (Kibun Jojo) covered by Kureiji Ollie • Anya Melfissa • Pavolia Reine.jpg
| Sung by = [[Hololive Indonesia 2nd Generation]] (Holoro)
| Credits =
* '''Instrumental:''' {{Twitter|FaaatSaw|Farhan Sarasin}}
* '''Illustration:''' {{Twitter|Puunyan|Puunyannyan}}
* '''Mixing:''' {{Twitter|よしけん|yoshi_kennn}}
* '''Video:''' {{Twitter|Rumskiich|rumskii}}
* '''Harmony Guide:''' {{Twitter|sagisapon|Sagi}}
